Tag Archives: 100th follower

And the 100-th is …..Sparkyjen!!! :) x

In case you’re wondering what I’m talking about…. 😉


I’m so pleased and grateful to welcome Sparkyjen https://sparkyjen.com/ as my 100th follower – as a big ‘thank you’, I’d like to write a blog post on a topic of your choosing if you wish me to. 

Thanks to each and every one of you for being a special part of my blogging journey. You brighten up my days, and I hope I can do the same for you too. 

Much love. xx


Could you be the 100 th ?!


Photo from WordPress free photo library.

I started this blog in May of 2017 ~ I have loved connecting with each of you, and have loved this blogging journey with my fellow travellers.

I am grateful for each and every way in which you have encouraged me, whether that be by liking a post, commenting, or choosing to follow my blog.

I am thankful for all of you…but as a special ‘celebration’ on our shared blogosphere, as I have 99 followers, I would like as a thank you to offer to whoever becomes my 100th follower the opportunity to choose the topic of one of my future posts.

I love writing in a way that will connect with people and hopefully encourage you, and I’d therefore like to continue this blog with a keen eye on what my readers would like to hear more about. So even if you aren’t the ‘100th’ follower, please know that you are a special presence in my blog life, and I would love to respond to any suggestions, questions, or requests for future posts that you would like me to blog about.


Much Love. xx