“I had the tile of my life…!” (Simple kitchen / bathroom upgrades).

If you are feeling like you need to brighten up your kitchen and / or bathroom spaces, but don’t want to over commit yourself in case you change your mind or colour scheme at a later date, why don’t you try some adhesive tiles instead of real ones?

I got these from Amazon (2 packs of ten) which was enough to tile horizontally across the strip behind my kitchen sink, as well as tiling a couple of shorter rows in the space underneath my work top.

These are incredibly easy to use and look quite convincing, and you can find the style that suits you best and brings a smile to your face 🙂 Enjoy some before and after pics, and your own experimentation! xx



Rethinking Space

Admittedly, friends, it has been a few weeks since we last ventured together in this ‘home improvement’ series, but that’s because I have been busy with the practicalities of this venture, which I hope will bring some benefit and inspiration to you as I share my progress with you. That being said, come and join me in some musings as we together rethink our space…

Throughout the ages, human beings have both influenced and been influenced by the spaces we inhabit. I have no doubt that countless studies have been conducted into the psychology of wellbeing and mental and emotional health in relation to our external environments. How often ‘clichés’ such as ‘a tidy home and a tidy mind’ have depths of truth to them that are well worth exploring as we seek to enhance our well being and the quality of our lives. We might do well to consider the words of John Denver and similar sentiments of many before and after him, “It’s the little things that make a house a home…”. 😉 

I am keenly aware that I myself and anyone reading this (presumably) are blessed with a ridiculous amount of choice with regards to how we live and what we do with our space, in a way that despite our limitations, many others across our little planet find far beyond their grasp to even hope of experiencing. 

Presumably (and please forgive me if my presumptions are inaccurate) if you are reading this, and are a blogger yourself, your concerns relating to choice and living conditions have nothing to do with whether you will be able to maintain a place of shelter, how far you have to walk to the nearest well to obtain safe drinking water, and how many people are able to cram into that one room in your ‘house’ that your entire family and perhaps others have to sleep in. 

Put that way, we may find ourselves asking whether it is selfish, arrogant, excessive or indulgent to make much of the luxurious spaces (whether we had previously considered ‘our lot’ in that way or not) that we are so fortunate enough to inhabit. 

Well, sad to say, it can be all of the above, but equally so, rethinking our space and being faithful ‘stewards’ of what we are fortunate enough to have can have a positive impact on our well being and on the lives of those around us. 

Of course, everyone is different, and some people work well amid their ‘organised chaos’ which incorporates ‘systems’ that only they can understand. Having experience of depression, and the resultant feelings of being overwhelmed by untidiness and lack of order, I am aware that our environments and living spaces can influence our mental well being in terms of contributing, whether rightly or wrongly, to our perceptions and feelings that we are ‘unable to cope’. Conversely, establishing systems, knowing that there is ‘a place for everything and everything is in its place’ makes daily living so much more productive, less stressful, and easier to manage. Knowing that there is a place for my keys and knowing exactly where that place is (and so on for each type of item I have) and that it will always be there lessens, even marginally, my anxiety, my stress levels, and impacts my attitude as I step out of my home into a new day at work or being in contact with the outside world in some way, and means that I am better able to focus on doing things well and communicating well and patiently with people, rather than stressfully and hurriedly struggling through. 

I have found that breaking through the barriers of overwhelm that my big declutter and spring clean initially brought on while being surrounded in a mountain of chaos, has given way to the establishing of order, calmness, happiness to be in my space, which in turn makes me more available to open my doors to the people I love, to be hospitable, to reach out and not only have a place for me to rest, but for others to enjoy, be built up in, and for us all to go out a little more positively and with some clearer thoughts as we tackle the bigger issues in the world whether that be in our jobs, families, relationships or being more aware of others around us. 

Whether we allow our thinking about our space and what we do with it to become a self indulgent occupation, or something more positive has a lot to do with our attitudes, and where we place our hearts and our desires. 

I believe that homekeeping is an art, and even though I live alone, it does impact the people in my life, and if I am so blessed to one day have a family of my own, I believe that striving to maintain a peaceful and calming environment that I haven’t always had is important for creating an atmosphere of growth, wellbeing and good communication as well as orderliness, inspiration and functionality. 

But it’s all very well to be philosophical about it, but what do we do when we find things so difficult? If you have been with me for a while, you’ll be familiar with some of my earlier blog posts in this series, however if you are new, *Welcome* and I hope you find some inspiring starting points to make progress on your own journey in this regard in my series on Home & Lifestyle which you can find in my main menu. 

I will, little by little show you what I have accomplished and learned so far, including some photos along the way. So for now, here is a little glimpse of a space that I have rethought….how does it make you feel to consider what was before, and what has come after? 🙂 Much love. xx

Kitchen – beneath worktop space, before & after (please note that this space has been further updated with the addition of adhesive tiles, & some other decorative and functional pieces…the basket is used as a pantry storage area):

kitchen under sink.jpg



If you work in a 9 to 5 (or 10 to 6 in my case) job, do you ever get home and feel too tired to cook or eat properly? I know that many times I have felt that way, and have just needed some instant energy. Unfortunately, living in a world of ‘convenience’ and heavily processed foods, this often means that reaching for something quick and easy to eat can too often take the form of grabbing that bag of crisps (or ‘chips’ ), snacking on chocolate or biscuits / bars before dinner, ordering in takeaway or having a quick microwave meal. 

While that’s ok from time to time, in the longer term we need to make sure our bodies are fuelled with food that is beneficial to us. So for another quick, easy and healthy solution, here is another experimental recipe that once again I pulled together after work with the ingredients I had at home. Stocking up on healthy staples means that it is a lot easier to feed our bodies well when we’re too hungry or tired to spend much time in the kitchen. 


  • Fresh spinach leaves
  • Sunflower cooking spray
  • Cracked black pepper
  • Herb ‘salt’
  • Lemon juice
  • Baby potatoes washed and sliced
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Vegan ‘sour cream’
  • Vegan / ‘free from’ range of ‘Memphis BBQ sauce’.

This is pretty easy to make, and involves a few simple steps.

Lightly stir fry fresh and washed spinach leaves (I used half a packet), adding seasoning to taste.

Arrange the spinach in circular fashion around your dish.

Having boiled the potatoes, I then stir fried them in the vegan BBQ sauce which is delicious having a sweet, smoky, slightly spicy and tangy flavour – highly recommended for happy taste-buds! As I am not a cook as such, but simply someone who experiments in the kitchen, I then put the potatoes in an oven safe dish and put them in a pre-heated oven for a few minutes – for those cooks among us, feel free to share or advise on cooking techniques, as my technique is quite simply to experiment and make it up as I go along! 🙂

Arrange a portion of the potatoes in the centre of the bowl or plate, once again adding seasoning to taste.

Drizzle with vegan ‘sour cream’, and finish off with some cherry tomatoes.

And the verdict….?

This may seem like a very light salad like meal, however I made more potatoes than can be seen in the picture and had to put some away for the next day, as this dish is surprisingly filling. Taste wise the BBQ flavour offset with the fresh taste of lemon drizzled spinach and seasoning was a lovely and tasty balance – just make sure you get the right balance for your taste and don’t over do it with the lemon juice and / or BBQ sauce. The cherry tomatoes perfectly complemented the other flavours and textures. Sometimes keeping things simple and classic is the best way to go, and this is a quick and healthy alternative to ‘fast’ or convenience food and really doesn’t take long to make. 

The vegan Memphis sauce was so delicious, and as I stir fried the potatoes lightly in the sauce, it was just right and had me going for seconds! However, after eating a bowl full of potato slices I did feel quite sleepy, and had a quite restful (and hopefully restorative, with the nutrients that I fuelled my body with) sleep. x